
This tutorial was generated from a Jupyter notebook that can be downloaded here.


A non-exhaustive list of frequently asked questions about starry.

1. I get weird output when I call starry functions.

If you call a starry.Map method (or any other starry function) and get something like



TensorConstant{(1,) of 1.0}



that’s because you’re running starry in lazy mode. To obtain the numerical value of a variable or expression in lazy mode, simply call its .eval() method. Or, alternatively, switch to greedy mode by adding

starry.config.lazy = False

at the very top of your script, before instantiating any starry objects. All methods will automagically return numerical values in greedy mode.

2. I get a ValueError when instantiating a pymc3 model.

If you get an error like

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.

inside of a pymc3 model, it could be that you’re in greedy mode. If you have the line

starry.config.lazy = False

at the top of your script, simply remove it. To sample using pymc3, starry needs to be in lazy mode.

3. How do I evaluate a variable inside a pymc3 model?

If you’re in a pymc3 model context, running the .eval() method of a pymc3 variable usually results in an error similar to the following:

MissingInputError: Input 0 of the graph (indices start from 0), used to compute [something], was not provided and not given a value. Use the Theano flag exception_verbosity='high', for more information on this error.

That’s because in a pymc3 model context, none of the theano variables ever have values (“inputs”), so you get an error when you try to evaluate them the usual way. pymc3 stores things differently (using test values), so what you want to do instead is

import pymc3_ext as pmx


import exoplanet

where expression is the pymc3 expression whose value you want. By default, this will evaluate the expression at the test point of each of the inputs. If you’ve already run the sampler and have access to a trace, you can evaluate the expression at index i of the trace by running

exoplanet.eval_in_model(expression, point=trace.point(i))

Check out pymc3-ext and the exoplanet docs for more information.

4. The new verison of starry seems much slower than the previous version.

If you’re using starry in greedy mode, you may have noticed a performance hit when doing certain operations. Since there’s a lot of trickery in the backend to get starry to work with pymc3 and exoplanet, there’s quite a bit of overhead in the new version. There are several ways around this, and here are some things to consider:

Don’t instantiate starry models repeatedly.

Initializing a starry.Map or starry.System instance is computationally expensive. This is because starry pre-computes as many things as possible when these classes are instantiated, with the goal of making flux evaluations efficient. Instantiate a starry.Map object only a single time in your script!

Use pymc3, not emcee, to do inference.

The new version of starry was specifically designed for efficient gradient-based inference with pymc3. Consider switching from emcee to pymc3 to do inference: starry handles all the gradient evaluations internally, so it’s fairly easy to get a model up and running. See the other tutorials for more information.

If you use emcee, manually compile your starry functions.

The greedy version of starry compiles things automagically for you, but you can get much better performance if you compile things yourself (it’s not hard!). Consider the following example, for instance. We create the function slow_flux that accepts some spherical harmonic coefficients coeffs and a vector of rotational phases theta and returns the flux seen by the observer. Note that we’re re-instantiating the map every time we call this function (which, as we mentioned above, is a bad idea!)

import starry
import numpy as np
import time

# Greedy mode
starry.config.lazy = False
starry.config.quiet = True

# Instantiate the map, set the coeffs, compute the flux
def slow_flux(coeffs, theta):
    map = starry.Map(10)
    map[1:, :] = coeffs
    return map.flux(theta=theta)

# Function args
coeffs = np.random.randn(120)
theta = np.linspace(0, 360, 1000)

# Time the function
nruns = 25
tstart = time.time()
for k in range(nruns):
    slow_flux(coeffs, theta)
elapsed = (time.time() - tstart) / nruns
print("Call took {:.3f} seconds.".format(elapsed))

If we run this snippet, we find that a single call to the slow_flux function takes about a tenth of a second:

>>> Call took 0.128 seconds.

If we’re evaluating this function repeatedly (say) in an MCMC sampler, things are going to take a long time to run.

A much better approach is to run starry in lazy mode and use theano to compile this function for us. You can read more about theano functions here and here.

import starry
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as tt
import time

# Lazy mode
starry.config.lazy = True
starry.config.quiet = True

# Instantiate the map, set the coeffs, compute the flux
def slow_flux(coeffs, theta):
    map = starry.Map(10)
    map[1:, :] = coeffs
    return map.flux(theta=theta)

# Compile `slow_flux` into a theano function
arg1 = tt.dvector()
arg2 = tt.dvector()
fast_flux = theano.function([arg1, arg2], slow_flux(arg1, arg2))

# Function args
coeffs = np.random.randn(120)
theta = np.linspace(0, 360, 1000)

# Time the function
nruns = 25
tstart = time.time()
for k in range(nruns):
    fast_flux(coeffs, theta)
elapsed = (time.time() - tstart) / nruns
print("Call took {:.3f} seconds.".format(elapsed))

Running this snippet prints the following:

>>> Call took 0.002 seconds.

Compiling our function gave us a speed boost of about 3 orders of magnitude!


While compiled starry functions are fast, users may experience a serious performance hit when using them in conjunction with multiprocessing. Specifically, if the parallelization relies on frequent pickling/unpickling of the starry object, things will likely get very slow. While starry models can be pickled, there can be an extreme amount of overhead when unpickling them. We therefore recommend caution when trying to use starry with codes like emcee with parallelization enabled. Note that this is not an issue for parallelized pymc3 models, since the parallelization occurs across chains: the model is only pickled/unpickled a single time per chain, so the overhead incurred is negligible.

5. I’m running into numerical instabilities.

While starry is designed to be numerically stable at low spherical harmonic degree, increasing ydeg beyond 20 or so can lead to severe numerical instabilities (see here for an example). The instabilities typically arise in occultations—phase curves can also go unstable, but only above ydeg=35 or so. If you absolutely need to compute the model at a degree that leads to instabilities, you can try compiling the code from source with the STARRY_KL_NUMERICAL=1 flag:

git clone
cd starry
rm -rf build && STARRY_KL_NUMERICAL=1 python develop

This will switch to numerically evaluating some of the unstable integrals above ydeg=15. It should improve the stability of the code, but you’ll likely incur a significant speed hit.

An older version of the code (0.3.0) allowed users to compile starry in multiprecision mode, which also helps with these instabilities. Support for this was removed in version 1.0.0, but we could consider re-implementing it. If that’s something you’re interested in, please let us know.

6. I can’t find what I’m looking for.

Please search all of the issues on GitHub, or open a new one.